Sunday, December 9, 2012

GOP?s Marco Rubio: ?Tax increases will not solve our $16 trillion debt?

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GOP?s Marco Rubio: ?Tax increases
will not solve our $16 trillion debt?

Investor?s Business Daily, by?Andrew Malcolm
Original Article
Posted By:SurferLad, 12/8/2012 9:59:41 AM
Hello, I?m Marco Rubio. I have the honor of representing Florida in the United States Senate, and the privilege of addressing you today on behalf of my fellow Republicans. Our middle class has made America different from the rest of the world. Every country has rich people. But only a few places have achieved a vibrant and stable middle class. And none has been more vibrant and more stable than ours. But now a growing opportunity gap has developed between the dreams of millions of Americans and the opportunities for them to actually realize them.

Reply 1 - Posted by: Coy860, 12/8/2012 10:07:07 AM?????(No. 9055160)

"We must reform our complicated, uncertain, job-killing tax code, by getting rid of unjustified loopholes."
Umm are those called deductions? Beware using the vocabulary of the left!

Reply 2 - Posted by: bpl40, 12/8/2012 10:38:34 AM?????(No. 9055210)

Deductions and high marginal rates are like two poles of a magnate. They cannot exist separately. Republican goal should be to use the elimination of ?loopholes? to drive more equitable tax rates. One hopes Rubio will be among the first to see the light.

Reply 3 - Posted by: sw penn, 12/8/2012 10:42:43 AM?????(No. 9055223)

The dam is broken.
The tsunami has knocked the railroad bridge,
and is racing down the valley
toward the sleeping city.

President SugarDaddys? solution
is for some of you
to pee into the lake.

Stop the gushing spending.
Fix the dam.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Dante, 12/8/2012 12:12:08 PM?????(No. 9055332)

Lefties can?t handle simple math, it just "feels" good to them to confiscate from the productive.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Salt5792, 12/8/2012 12:22:59 PM?????(No. 9055344)

O actually said that the "tax on the rich" would solve half the deficit problem. Preposterous! The effect on the deficit is unknowable.

Reply 6 - Posted by: uno, 12/8/2012 12:26:29 PM?????(No. 9055350)

It really is an incredibly simple concept. One that even the slowest Liberal in the room should be able to understand.
You don?t make an ailing economy better by taking more out of it anymore than you would add more overhead to a floundering company...unless of course you are:
A) Stone drunk, high or both
B) You have a room temperature IQ
C) You are deliberately trying to destroy it.

My money is on C

Reply 7 - Posted by: retcpo, 12/8/2012 12:30:58 PM?????(No. 9055358)

We are now borrowing .46 cents for every Federal dollar spent.

If nothing is done many of these foolish expenditures will expire and real cuts will be imposed.

Far better to fall off the fiscal cliff now than Mt. Everest later.

Reply 8 - Posted by: craige, 12/8/2012 12:31:31 PM?????(No. 9055360)

Quantitative Easing is the solution. 100% INFLATION will cut it in half. It will also wipe out retiree incomes, savings, and debt instruments.

Reply 9 - Posted by: trapper, 12/8/2012 12:37:39 PM?????(No. 9055368)

But amnesty will, right Marc?

Reply 10 - Posted by: M Stuart, 12/8/2012 2:56:59 PM?????(No. 9055483)

Love it #3. I hope it?s OK if I pass it on!

I hope some of these young conservatives prove themselves to be good communicators.

Newt has been on various shows, and he is great. They cannot talk him down. Even in the Dens of Stupid(CNN & MSNBC) he can make his points.

Maybe he could push Boehner aside and show him how it?s supposed to be done?

Reply 11 - Posted by: hamrman, 12/8/2012 3:12:23 PM?????(No. 9055501)

That is correct...even a Harvard educated person should be able to come to the obvious conclusion...IT IS THE SPEND STUPID!

Reply 12 - Posted by: PoliticalJunky, 12/8/2012 3:35:47 PM?????(No. 9055525)

I like Rubio. He is quick witted, articulate and makes a good speech. In this one he has made a speech which sounds good, is careful not to offend anybody and doesn?t say very much. I guess it was pitched to his audience.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Sunhan65, 12/8/2012 3:37:46 PM?????(No. 9055527)

Good stuff from Rubio except for two things: 1. A tax loophole is just a deduction someone else gets. Closing loopholes gives the government more money, which only encourages it. 2. I?m uncomfortable with Rubio talking up the middle class, which identifies Americans in a way that implies that those with less deserve more. That?s just the liberal argument turned upside down.

If it were up to me, we wouldn?t have progressive tax rates. We wouldn?t have tax rates at all: Take the Federal budget, divide it equally by the number of tax payers, and then send them each the bill. Whatever tax amounts that are not paid are automatically cut from next year?s budget. Whoever didn?t pay their tax bill are denied all access to Federal programs, aid, and programs until they start paying. Tax payers who don?t settle up within five years are purged from the voter rolls and placed in debtor?s prison if they try to vote. This would solve America?s problems in eight years.

Reply 14 - Posted by: KimoSaavy, 12/8/2012 4:14:02 PM?????(No. 9055575)

I absolutely hate it when a point is made like this. It?s incomplete, deserving to get ignored. He needs to go a step further.

?Tax increases will not solve our $16 trillion debt? and if you think you will be spared from BHO?s proposal, think again. You are next to be taxed under the pretext that it didn?t go far enough... Your taxes will have to be raised next. Count on it.

Why can?t they fight with fire?

Reply 15 - Posted by: LanieLou, 12/8/2012 5:04:03 PM?????(No. 9055632)

God Bless Rubio! He is extremely deft at being gracious, as he tells the public the marxists are wrong.

A strong Christian... I really think he?s someone special. Pray God keeps him safe.

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Most Recent Articles posted by "SurferLad"

GOP?s Marco Rubio: ?Tax increases
will not solve our $16 trillion debt?
Investor?s Business Daily, by Andrew Malcolm??? Original Article
Posted By: SurferLad- 12/8/2012 9:59:41 AM ??? Post Reply
Hello, I?m Marco Rubio. I have the honor of representing Florida in the United States Senate, and the privilege of addressing you today on behalf of my fellow Republicans. Our middle class has made America different from the rest of the world. Every country has rich people. But only a few places have achieved a vibrant and stable middle class. And none has been more vibrant and more stable than ours. But now a growing opportunity gap has developed between the dreams of millions of Americans and the opportunities for them to actually realize them.
Obama: No budging on higher tax rates
Investor?s Business Daily, by Andrew Malcolm??? Original Article
Posted By: SurferLad- 12/8/2012 9:13:18 AM ??? Post Reply
Hello, everybody. Over the last few weeks, there?s been a lot of talk about deadlines we?re facing on jobs and taxes and investments. But with so much noise and so many opinions flying around, it can be easy to lose sight of what this debate is really about. It?s not about which political party comes out on top, or who wins or loses in Washington. It?s about making smart decisions that will have a real impact on your lives and the lives of Americans all across the country.
A strange White House memo
describing Obama?s talk with
Egypt?s Morsi
Investor?s Business Daily, by Andrew Malcolm??? Original Article
Posted By: SurferLad- 12/7/2012 10:06:07 AM ??? Post Reply
As you may have noticed in recent months, President Obama?s Mideast foreign policies are not going so well. In Libya, Obama pushed out brutal but cooperative dictator Moammar Gadhafi. The country turned lawless. On 9/11, terrorists not reacting to an obscure anti-Islam video sacked the Benghazi consulate, killing four Americans. [Snip] Here?s Thursday?s full read-out of Obama?s phone call to Morsi. See if you too are struck by this one-sided "conversation."
Obama will take oath twice
this time, just to be safe
Investor?s Business Daily, by Andrew Malcolm??? Original Article
Posted By: SurferLad- 12/7/2012 9:26:40 AM ??? Post Reply
Barack Hussein Obama had such a good time reciting the presidential oath of office twice last time, that he?s decided to do it twice twice. What really sticks out from that cold sunny inaugural day in 2009, of course, was the size of Aretha Franklin?s hat, which needed special FAA clearance to ascend Capitol Hill. But many also remember the about-to-be president and the already-Chief Justice of the Supreme Court muffing the oath. [Snip] Well, this time the constitutionally-mandated Jan. 20 date for the old, new president to assume office falls on a Sunday.
China bids today on yet another failed
Obama energy loan recipient
Investor?s Business Daily, by Andrew Malcolm??? Original Article
Posted By: SurferLad- 12/6/2012 9:10:32 AM ??? Post Reply
You won?t hear much about it elsewhere today. But from some downtown Chicago law offices will come the distinct sound of one more nail being driven into the coffin of Barack Obama?s green energy giveaway loans. A123 Systems will be auctioned off. It?s a Michigan lithium ion battery maker which declared bankruptcy back in October, the same day it cashed another $1 million check from the crack Obama investment team. A123 is one of those notorious bad bets like Solyndra that the Obama administration poured billions of taxpayer dollars into.
Obama refuses to leave seat
on Rosa Parks bus
Investor?s Business Daily, by Andrew Malcolm??? Original Article
Posted By: SurferLad- 12/4/2012 9:18:16 AM ??? Post Reply
NARCISSISM UPDATE: When we left Barack Obama, the devout self-worshipper had just had the White House website add mentions of him to the online biographies of most presidents from the last century. Not that anyone in particular had asked how the one-time pot-smoking teen related to hallowed White House chief executives from the nation?s past. But obviously the fellow who grew up with an absentee father wanted the world to see some kind of connection to these more accomplished men.
Obama confers with Mexico?s new
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Investor?s Business Daily, by Andrew Malcolm??? Original Article
Posted By: SurferLad- 12/3/2012 10:11:41 AM ??? Post Reply
Leno: President Obama and Mitt Romney had lunch the other day at the White House. Romney offered to pay. But Obama said, "No, no, it?s on our grandchildren." Conan: House Speaker John Boehner?s office was invaded by a group of nude female protesters. Boehner?s unsure what they were protesting, but says he?ll definitely keep doing it. Conan: A 69-year-old Florida woman was arrested for stealing hundreds of dollars? worth of lingerie. Authorities released her after she threatened to model the lingerie.

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Associated Press, by Mike Schneider??? Original Article
Posted By: jond- 12/6/2012 6:42:12 PM ??? Post Reply
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Power Line, by Paul Mirengoff??? Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 12/7/2012 6:05:19 AM ??? Post Reply
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Pop-Star James Taylor:
?I Really Suffered? Under
8 Years of ?Cheney/Bush?

Cybercast News Service, by Elizabeth Harrington??? Original Article
Posted By: KarenJ1- 12/7/2012 9:20:08 PM ??? Post Reply
James Taylor said he ?really suffered? under eight years of ?Cheney/Bush,? while speaking at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on Friday about election reform. ?It was sort of natural, being so politically active over the years, that I would get involved in the campaign of 2008,? Taylor said. ?I really?I was hugely motivated also by eight years of Cheney/Bush, and I say it in that order on purpose.? ?Those were?it was a tough time for me,? he said. ?I really suffered.? ?It made me deeply ambivalent about my country that we would
The Greatest Christmas Song
American Spectator, by Daniel J. Flynn??? Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 12/8/2012 5:35:28 AM ??? Post Reply
?Tis the season for holiday music that intrudes, annoys, and entraps. Like a zombie, "Feliz Navidad" dies every year only to return -- everywhere. On the car radio, in the mall, on hold, at your kid?s school (provided they omit the holiday?s first syllable) you can?t escape Christmas music. Bah! Humbug! The radio staples are as amorphous as they are ubiquitous. The Pogues offer a Christmas anthem for St. Patrick?s Day in "A Fairytale of New York." Greg Lake?s "I Believe in Father Christmas" hits the ears as a Yuletide hymn for atheists.
Barack Obama will attend Gangnam Style
concert despite rapper?s anti-American protests

Telegraph (UK), by Staff??? Original Article
Posted By: Oblio- 12/8/2012 6:56:19 AM ??? Post Reply
President Barack Obama will attend a charity concert where PSY is scheduled to perform after it emerged the South Korean rapper participated in anti-American protests several years ago.A spokesman said Friday that the Obama family will attend the December 21 Christmas in Washington concert, as is custom. News reports cite two instances of the 34-year-old "Gangnam Style" rapper participating in concerts protesting the US military presence in South Korea during the early stages of the war in Iraq.
Despite Tax Increase, California
State Revenues in Freefall

Breitbart?s Big Government, by Chriss W. Street??? Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought- 12/8/2012 10:33:23 AM ??? Post Reply
California State Controller John Chiang has announced that total state revenue for the month of November 2012 fell $806.8 million, or 10.8%, below budget. Democrats thought they could hammer ?the rich? by convincing voters to pass Proposition 30 to create the highest state income tax in the nation. But it now appears that high income earners have already ?voted with their feet? by moving themselves and their businesses out of state, resulting in over $1 billion shortfall in corporate and income taxes last month and the beginning of a new financial crisis. Passage of Proposition 30 set off euphoria


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